About Us
Department of Middle Eastern Studies (Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, University of West Bohemia in Pilsen) is the educational and scientific-research institution in the field of history, culture and languages of the Middle East, Islamic studies and Judaic studies. Within the Czech Republic it is an exceptional institution puting emphasis on the comprehensive study of the Middle East from ancient times to the present.
The Department cultivates broad research activities in all areas of its narrower specializations. We maintain the continuity of the Czech cuneiform research, we strive to build a Czech tradition of anthropology of Islam, and also our systematical research of anti-Semitism is of unquestionably importance. Based on the scholarly activities of both our academic staff and students relevant books (Our books) as well as many articles in various periodicals (Publication history) have been published. We also organize a successful conferences (Events): for example, traditional largest Czech Orientalist conference “Orientalia Antiqua Nova”, as well as series of conferences and panel discussions on the actual topics related to the present-day Middle East or annual conference on anti-Semitism.
The department holds regular discussions with experts, diplomats, representatives of various academic, political, non-governmental institutions. We are proud of our students who organize the annual international Festival of Arab culture. Our Department of Middle Eastern Studies naturally participates in Erasmus program.