Master's degree
Master of Arts in Middle Eastern Cultural Studies
· Interdisciplinary studies - anthropology, history, religious studies
· Concentration on the development of the Middle East and North Africa region in the 20th and 21st centuries
· Understanding the culture and religion of the region
· Specialization in Islamic Studies or Judaism
· Arabic or Modern Hebrew (basic and advanced level)
· No previous study of the BA in Middle Eastern Cultural Studies is required; an interest and enthusiasm for the region under study is required
Employment of alumni:
Our alumni work in foreign ministries, diplomatic services, security services, cultural and humanitarian institutions, commercial organisations, industrial companies, educational institutions, schools and museums, sociological agencies, media, tourism, interpreting services, election monitoring bodies, international organisations with a Middle East agenda (EU, UN, etc.). You will also find employment in governmental and non-governmental organisations that focus on the integration of people from the Middle East and North Africa who are staying in the Czech Republic for a short or long period of time.
Select courses to look forward to:
· Cultural minorities of the Middle East
· Conflicts in the Middle East
· Anthropology of Islam
· Anthropology of Judaism
· Antisemitism
· Political Islam
· Religion and Society of the State of Israel
(PLEASE NOTE: Due to continued low student interest, undergraduate courses in Ancient History, Akkadian and Persian are not normally opened).